Tuesday, July 19, 2011

An update-

Sooooo, I may or may not have done absolutely freakin' nothing since my last post. Hypothetically speaking, if one were to have done nothing productive in weeks, one might feel like the lowest form of humanity on the planet. One might also feel that change is impossible, and that one is doomed to be a pathetic version of oneself forever and ever, amen. However, one might argue, hypothetically of course, that their summer has never hit a steady pace because every week since summer began, there has been one thing or another to disrupt any semblance of a routine that one might have. Therefore, it is not one's fault if they are not productive-being disciplined is difficult enough when one has a steady routine. How can one be expected to thrive under such utterly unforgiving circumstances?

I know, I know (I mean one knows, one knows)- excuses and butt-holes, right?

Well, I did do a few things: I saw The Civil Wars in concert (however, I left feeling pretty bad about myself for not being as cool as the billion hipsters running around the joint-so I'm putting this in the lose column), I held my sweet nieces, I read four books, I think I worked out once, I KNOW I did a couple loads of laundry...

That's the underwhelmingest list I ever saw. Forward progress is key. Must. Do. Better.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The next two years...

Starting the process of becoming a better person-inside and out-is no small feat. It's actually pretty freakin' exhausting. But that's what I'm doing. Or at least, that's what I'm talking about doing. Brandon and I are thinking about moving in a couple of years so I have given myself two goals-learn Spanish and write my first book in two years. I also have two shorter term goals of running a 5k and then a 10k this year and getting our dog trained. With the ultimate goal of getting to a healthy weight again and being able to have friends at our house without shoving a block of cheese down her throat. The problem is-two months of the two years is gone already and I've written some (not much) and haven't even started learning Spanish (because who really learns it in school when they take it 25 times? Oh, most people, cool.). I've also wasted three weeks barely running at all and the year is half over. Something is wrong with me. However, I have been working with Chloe and she's super smart so she learns fast, I'm just bad about follow-through. Funny, this seems to be a theme...stay tuned.