Monday, September 4, 2006

Why do we...

you know the drill- why do we...

Practice lawlessness yet expect others to adhere to a stricter law than we could ever keep?

Rejoice in the things of this world and shrink away from the things of the next?

Seek and not find?

Overindulge ourselves at the buffet line, yet judge others for trying to fill the same void with a different substance?

Lack forgiveness, understanding and mercy while expecting that those around us forgive, understand and have mercy on us?

Pray, "thy Kingdom come", and live like we've got forever?

Make promises we don't intend to keep?

Pretend that selflessness is something that we are remotely capable of?

Sing songs written by people we've never met, about Someone we don't know?

Divide our house by cursing our brothers and sisters?

Find ourselves drawing from a dry well week after week, month after month etc. instead of eagerly pursuing something alive and wild?

Settle for things that can only destroy us, while casting aside the very place from which we drew our first breath of life?

Live lives wrapped in the smoky haze of pride instead of allowing the Truth to set us free?

Expect for others what we can't do for ourselves?

Turn our noses up at anyone who might need something from us simply because they don't know how to ask for it?

Understand so little about our past and wonder why we live the way we do in the present?

Expect so much and give so little?

Survive and not live-live and not live abundantly?

Indoctrinate ourselves in things that will only bring us into bondage?

Love what we should hate and vice versa?

Explain when we should apologize?

Tolerate when we should illuminate?

Blame the darkness for our lack of light, when our embers have been growing ever dimmer for quite some time?

Narrowly escape when we should be more than conquerors?

Live off the breadcrumbs of past generations and not feast on the full supply of all things that are rightly ours?

Hate what we don't understand?

Continue to be destroyed because of our lack of knowledge?

Wage wars with one another using the weapons of religion and rhetoric, instead of rising together to battle an enemy that would seek to destroy the hearts of all of us?

Shrink away when we should stand and fight?

Inform when we should reform?

Educate when we should revive?

Never connect thinking and believing with action and doing?

Have no capacity for self-evaluation?

Hide the deepest and most true parts of ourselves that would make sense of us to the world-and continue living for the people around us a false, half-life?

Break hearts and not yolks?

Not give of ourselves freely when others need so much?

Watch and not see, listen and not hear?

Try to silence our hearts with our duty and obligation?

Accept the things that contain the potential for change, and try to change the things that need no alterations?