Friday, July 21, 2006

Life is...

Forgetting what you want to remember and remembering what you wish you could forget
Trying something new
Summer nights that last forever
Lunch with old friends
Losing what you think you want in order to gain what you didnt know you needed
The boogey man underneath your bed
Long drives
Aspirations becoming realities
Moving on
Living in the future while resenting the present
Losing the one you love to the one they love
The space between...
Becoming someone you never thought you'd be
Fishing for compliments
Sleeping late
Missed opportunities
Breaking the rules
Never accepting defeat
Knowing the end from the beginning
The brink of something new
Marching to the beat of, not only a different drum, but an entirely different band and genre of music altogether!!
Missing the warning signs
Tripping up the stairs
Always running late
Tears over ice cream
Catching up
Being easily amused
The inability to be quiet when it is absolutely necessary
Gone too quickly
Not having to be good at everything
The unknown
Holding out for the best instead of settling for what's available
The skeleton in your closet
A choice
Good Stories
Figuring out WHO you are and not WHAT you are
Family reunions
Forever holding your peace even though you really dont want to
Turning into your mother
Not fair...Oh Lord I really am turning into my mother
Going up to come back down
Looking your best when no one will see you
Getting on the plane
Waiting your turn
Knowing you have no restart button and taking the chance anyway
What happens in between the great stories of your life
Learning the same lesson until you get it right
Breaking free
Allowing yourself to be happy
Cutting the tension with a knife
Accepting blessing
Wearing high heels for no reason
Asking for directions
Recovered memories
Doing the right thing even when you dont feel like it
The fork in the road
Calling just to talk
A broken record
Eating dessert first
Preaching to the choir
Answering your own questions
Not an etch-a-sketch...unfortunat
Expecting more
Seeing the red flags for everyone around you while remaining blind to your own
Passing your exit
Breaking the silence
Not putting your seat in the upright position for take-off and landing
Having and not possessing
Putting an end to the vicious cycles
The sunrise
Burning bridges
Knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em
Picking your battles
Letting go
Choosing whats behind door number...
Cutting some slack
Forgetting where you left your keys
Overcoming your past while still remembering where you come from
Talking to strangers
Speaking before you think
The road less traveled
Saying youre sorry when you werent wrong
Jumping without a safety net
The task unfinished
Pulling the tag off your mattress or your airplane pillow
The untold story
What you make it so make it good!!

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