I am not enthralled with either the Republican or the Democratic party, each has its downfalls, but it is time to put ignorance to rest and stop using the polarization of political parties to further a religious agenda and vice versa. The Republican party is not God's party. They wave a banner of watered down Christianity and people all over the nation vote for a person they know nothing about. It's not democracy, it's propaganda. This kind of stereotypical attitude does nothing except perpetuate the dangerous and Godless us vs. them mentality which we as Americans and specifically (and especially!!) as Christians must get away from at all cost. These stereotypes have created nothing but a proverbial boxing match in the political arena with good vs. evil, Christians vs. non-Christians, Christians vs. Muslims, Christians vs. homosexuals, Christians vs. anyone different than us, and worst of all, Christians vs. pro-choicers.
Let's get back to our roots, shall we? Christ said over and over that we should love our neighbors and even love our enemies, and 1 Peter 4:8 tells us that ABOVE ALL ELSE we are to love one another with a fierce love so that our love will cover the sins of those around us! We are no better than the crusaders or the Spanish inquisitors if we don't stop attempting to create a government which will enforce our ideals on our fellow citizens and the rest of the world as well.
I don't remember Christ mentioning legislation or the use of political clout to exact change in His sermons, but I do remember Him telling us to lay down our lives for those around us and make sure that the poor and oppressed and downtrodden are taken care of. Some people think they don't have to give because they don't want THEIR money going to someone who doesn't actually deserve it. Funny thing, I have this theory that if we, as Christians, would use GOD's money the way He told us to, the government wouldn't have to take taxpayers dollars to aid those in need. If I gave one of my many shirts, or shared some of my plentiful food, or filled my spare bedroom with someone in need, then I couldn't complain that the government was doing it for me, because if this nation full of "Christians" all did the same, there'd be no one left for the government to steal our money for!
I have a feeling that the anger that Christians are feeling is not a righteous indignation over the blows our political system takes on God, but an immeasurable amount of guilt for not extending the kind of grace, mercy, and charity that is demanded of us by the One who gave us everything. Say what you will, this nation was founded on the principle of freedom of religion, not Christianity. And when was the last time that radical/hostile/fundamenta